Try out my first(and thus not perfect) Java applet! In case you don't remember this
wonderful game by California Dreams in its MS-DOS version, let me briefly tell you
all important you need to know before you start playing:
- The aim is to let as many blocks as possible fall into the 3D schaft. When you fill any entire level, it will disappear, allowing all the blocks higher up to fall one level down.
- You can control the place where a block falls with the arrow keys or the numeric keypad.
- You can rotate the block using 'q', 'w', 'e' or 'a', 's', 'd' for the opposite direction.
- When you have positioned the block over the right place, use the spacebar or '5' to drop it down.
- The score increases with each block, depending on its shape and thus difficulty. The game speed (or level) increases after each 50 blocks played
Now simply make the whole applet appear in your browser's window (try "Open frame in a new window" if the current window is too small) and click "New game".
I plan to have the future versions maintain a high score table with your names and/or e-mails. If you get a high score and would like me to post
it here, send an e-mail.
I would also appreciate if you let me know about any problems or suggestions about this game. Thanks!
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